Lower blepharoplasty basically removes bags in the lower eyelids. With ageing, other associated alterations also appear, which lead to variations in blepharoplasty techniques, such as the following:

Due to the strong attachment of the skin to the bone below the bags, the nasojugal sulcus (the transition area between the eyelid, the cheek and the nose) is marked with age. To improve the hollowing of this crease during blepharoplasty, instead of removing excess fat from the bags, the excess fat is repositioned underneath this crease. Another alternative is to use hyaluronic acid fillers after blepharoplasty.

A lax eyelid (with little tension) is one of the main risk factors for the appearance of a round eye after blepharoplasty (lower eyelid retraction), so it must always be assessed before blepharoplasty so that, if it exists, it can be corrected during the same surgical procedure.

It occurs with aging and can be corrected by combining a midface lift with blepharoplasty.

The surgery must be completely individualised to achieve a good result and avoid complications. It is almost always performed using a transconjunctival approach (inside the eyelid) so that there is no visible scar. In addition, transconjunctival blepharoplasty reduces surgery time, shortens recovery time and greatly reduces the risk of complications, avoiding one of the least desirable complications, which is round eye (lower eyelid retraction).


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